About Us

Club Profile

Telescope Bangladesh Group is dedicated to promoting both interest and education in astronomy to society. You can learn more about the boundless universe and how to observe them. Telescope Bangladesh has so many talented and generous members that we can assure you will enjoy and learn more and more as you become involved with astronomy. All you need is a serious interest in astronomy to join the group. Let’s look up and enjoy the night sky.

We also promote all branches of science, our main aim and objective is to take the country ahead of its present status in Astronomy/Space Science. Since its establishment in 2019, Telescope Bangladesh Association has brought astronomy to citizens of all ages across the country. Continuously working to inspire, educate and create interest in space science. Right now, more than ten thousand citizens of the country follow our group and they read various articles of the group experts. Navigation with various posts, opinions, helps to know more about planets, stars and deep sky objects. And enriching their knowledge of Astronomy by getting latest news from International Space Portal from time to time. Just telescopes, astrophotography, night sky maps and more with our monthly discussion topics Astronomy-related information is not limited to learning the basics.

Telescope Bangladesh invites you to observe the night sky with us. You may wish to attend a Star Party, learn about astrophotography, search for comets or prepare for the next eclipse. Telescope Bangladesh arranges host free astronomy activities for the public and members willingly share their experience and knowledge with others, especially newcomers.

Join as a member to receive additional benefits, including our Observer's Handbook, Journal, and invitations to events. Telescope Bangladesh wants everyone to learn and enjoy astronomy – please contact us to find out what’s offered in you:)

Introduction To Club Creation

Farhad Rahman, the founder of Telescope Bangladesh Association, was a lover of astronomy from his childhood. During his time, there were no sufficient data, instruments and any such astronomy clubs to practice astronomy and observe the sky. He always tried to introduce and popularize the practice of astronomy in the country. And as soon as instruments became available for astronomy practice and research. He tried to buy a telescope. But it was very difficult to find or buy a telescope in Bangladesh around 2000. Then he tried various ways to buy his first Galileo scope from the United States was able to reach him after two long years. But his passion for astronomy led him to aim for a pro-telescope. He began planning to acquire a professional telescope and after much struggle finally got the Meade 8"" f/10 in Bangladesh in 2019. LX90 arranged for the importation of the ACF, and he believed that without modern instruments it would not be possible to advance the practice of astronomy. Basically, the journey of Telescope Bangladesh Group started from then.

Our Aims And Objectives

* To provide and popularize the real understanding of astronomy among citizens of all ages in the country and to take the country to the advanced stage of astronomy and space science.
* To make available the instruments for the practice of astronomy in the country.
* To help the students who want to study Astronomy.
* And to establish an observatory for astronomy practice, research and sky observation in the country where the researchers of the country and abroad will use it free of cost.

Meet Our Team

      Name & Possition                                             
1. Md. Farhad Rahman - (President)
2. Jayson Christopher Datta - (Vice President)
3. Abdullah Al Muyeed - (General Secretary & Treasurer)
4. Nazmul Ahsan - (Chief Technician)
5. Papon Joarder - (Advisor- Fund Raising)
6. Mahmudur Rahman - (Club Expert)